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Other Team Members

Practice Team

The Practice Team provide Care Navigation and medicines management support, administering repeat prescription requests, answering general enquiries, supporting patients and providing the initial appointment triage service to ensure that our patients are directed to the most appropriate Clinician first.

Mowbray Square Primary Care Network

Our practice team are supported by a number of clinical and non-clinical colleagues employed by the primary care network (formed from the 3 practices within Mowbray Square Medical Centre) These include : – First Contact Physio – Pharmacy Technician – Health Care Support Worker – 2 Social Prescribing Link Workers.

MSMC Shared Clinical Admin Team

The Shared Clinical Admin Team provide administration support to all 3 practices within Mowbray Square Medical Centre. Patient registrations, deductions and recalls for long term conditions and adhoc tests are administered by this team.

MSMC Shared Data Quality Team

The Data Quality Team provides coding and document management support to all 3 practices within Mowbray Square Medical Centre. They process clinical correspondence on to electronic patient records and provide summarising administration ensuring that all new patient records are coded accurately when patients register at the practices.

MSMC Shared Medical Secretary Team

The Medical Secretaries process patient referrals to other health services and provide general secretarial administration support for all 3 practices within Mowbray Square Medical Centre.

Mental Health Practitioners – Sophie Oliver & Philip Elmer
  • Sophie Oliver – I am a mental health Nurse who is employed by Tee’s Esk and Wear Valley mental health trust to work within GP surgeries in order to support people with their mental health in the earlier stages. As a Mental health Practitioner at the surgery I work with patients who are starting to struggle with their mental health for any number of reasons. I then work with the patient to make necessary lifestyle changes and look at resources in the local area such as counselling which may be of use to them. I also support patients with starting them on medication when this is a treatment the patient decides they want to try.
  • Philip Elmer – I qualified with BSc (hons) in Adult Mental Health in 2017 from the University of Essex. I worked in Mental Health Inpatient wards, secondary mental health care in Essex before being employed by Tee’s Esk and Wear Valley Mental Heath Trust in 2024.
Social Prescribers – Terri Packwood, Tina Langshaw & Emma Nixon

At times we all may need a little help to overcome some of life’s challenges and changes. The Social Prescribing team are here to support you during this time. We can find ways for you to avoid being isolated, take steps to improve your health or discover opportunities to develop more interests including social groups and volunteering. 

We can also support with difficulties such as housing problems, claiming benefits and applying for a bus pass or blue badge.  

We will spend time with you to work out what is important to you and what you want to achieve. Together we will develop a plan that will support you to take the steps needed to achieve your goals.  

Tina joined the Social Prescribing team in 2024 and has been a Living Well Coordinator for North Yorkshire Council since 2021. Prior to her working for the council she had over 20 years experience working in various care settings and holds a Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care. As a Social Prescriber Tina works in a person centered and strength based way to support people find positive ways to move forward in times of difficulty whilst giving information and guidance on local and national organisations that cam help opeple in their times of need.